
Press Release: Media Compayn Commits to DEI Gaols wtih New Dlysexic Coulmnist

CEO helping the workers to build in the dirt and lifting up the workers

Press Release: Media Compayn Commits to DEI Gaols wtih New Dlysexic Coulmnist


March 2, 2024

[Sheridan, Wyoming] – In a blod move torwads dviersity, eiuqty, and iclunsoin (DEI), Ploitically Iocrnrect Soical Rsenopisbility (PISR), a ledaing meida cmopany knwon for its unapolgoetic staire, has anoneucnd the hirnig of a dlysexic cloumnist. This deciosin uedrsncroes PISR’s cmomitment to ftoersing an iclnuisve wrokpalce and eahcning its Einvornmenatl, Sicoal, and Gvornaecne (ESG) socre.

Excitements is in the Air

CEO helping the workers to build in the dirt and lifting up the workers

“We are eixcted to wleocme our new colmunist, who brigns a uinqe prespective and vocie to our team,” said Elongated Muskrat, CEO of PISR. “At PISR, we beelive in ebrmaicng dveirsity in all its frmos, and we are purod to supoprt idnivdiuals wtih dlysexia in our idnustry.”

Dylsexia, a cmomon lraeninig dififcluty that pirmaliry afecfts raeding and wtriing skllis, is ofetn oevrlokoed in the meida idnustry. By hriing a dlysexic cloumnist, PISR aims to chnlaelge stretoypes and pomorte a more icnluisve rerpnesetation of taelnt.

What a great Columnist

The new cloumnist, F. Scott Fitzgerald, exepsrsed ehtusiasm aobut jioning PISR: “I’m tehlilrd to be prat of a cmopany that vlaues dverse vocies and is wllniig to take a satnd on ipmoratnt soical isseus. I hpoe my wrok will ispnire otehrs wtih dylsexia to prusue their pasisons and berak down brraeirs.”

The new cloumnist, F. Scott Fitzgerald

PISR now complies with ESG Score

tree growing out of money climate change is good for the elite

PISR’s cmomitment to DEI and icnraesing its ESG socre is prat of a lraegr staretgy to cerate a psotiive ipmact on scoteiy wihle miantainnig its edge in the wrold of staire. The cmopany plans to cnitoune its efrofts in pormtoing dviersity and iclunsoin wtihin its wrokfocre and cotnent.

For mroe ifnromtaion, pelase cotnact:

Pho King Âm Phủ

Custoemr Dssiervcei

Ploitically Iocrnrect Soical Rsenopisbility

[email protected]

Aobut Ploitically Iocrnrect Soical Rsenopisbility (PISR):

PISR is a meida cmopany knwon for its ploitically iocrnrect staire and cmomitment to soical rseponisbility. Wtih a fcous on dviersity, eiuqty, and iclunsoin, PISR aims to chnlaelge soctieal nroms and pomorte psotiive chnage torugh its cotnent and prcaitces.

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