Top Dogs Play Dice With Divinity: World Leaders’ Summit Unravels

Top Dogs Play Dice With Divinity: World Leaders’ Summit Unravels
Kicking Off Chaos
So, the World Leaders Summit kicked off last weekend. However, instead of addressing world poverty or global warming, they thought it’d be more fun to decide who gets to play God. Yes, you heard it right, they’ve all decided to take a shot at omnipotence.
The Omnipotence Lottery
In a turn of events that could only occur in international politics, the leaders spun a wheel to see who would be the lucky deity for the day. We aren’t sure if they were trying to solve world crises or audition for a new reality TV show.
UNusual Events at the UN
Never in the history of the United Nations has the general assembly been so…entertaining? It’s as if the leaders were under the impression that this was a Greek mythology convention.
Who Gets to Play Zeus?
There were claims, counterclaims, and more drama than a high school theater production. Every leader wanted to be Zeus. The French President even showed up in a toga. Guess it’s hard to resist lightning bolts and a white, fluffy beard.
Conclusion: Human, All Too Human
At the end of the day, no matter who was bestowed with the title of “God for a Day,” the antics of the leaders reminded us of one thing – they’re all too human. And perhaps we should be grateful that they’re merely human, because who knows what a divine Angela Merkel or Emmanuel Macron would do?