4 Surefire Ways to Profit from Your Failing Marriage, According to Harville Hendrix
![Harville Hendrix sitting on a throne made of self-help books, holding a wand with a heart-shaped dollar sign on top]](https://politicallyincorrectsocialresponsibility.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/A-caricature-of-Harville-Hendrix-sitting-on-a-throne-made-of-self-help-books1.webp)
4 Surefire Ways to Profit from Your Failing Marriage, According to Harville Hendrix
Harville Hendrix, the renowned relationship guru and “relationship profiteer,” has done it again! In his latest book, “Turning Marriage Troubles into Triumphs (and Royalties),” Hendrix reveals his top 8 tips for saving your failing marriage and cashing in on your marital misery. Who says you can’t put a price on love?
“Turn Your Marital Misery into a Money-Making Machine”

“Tip 1: Argue More, Charge for Make-Up Sessions”
Hendrix suggests intentionally starting arguments with your spouse, only to offer paid reconciliation sessions afterward. The more you fight, the more opportunities you have to profit from making up!
“Tip 2: Sell Your Secrets on Social Media”
Share your juiciest marital drama on social media and watch the likes, comments, and sponsored post offers roll in. Nothing sells quite like a public airing of dirty laundry!
“Questionable Advice That’s Sure to Sell”
“Tip 3: Encourage Co-Dependency and Sell the Solution”
Hendrix advises fostering an unhealthy level of co-dependency in your marriage, then offering expensive retreats and workshops to help couples “break free” from the very dynamic you’ve encouraged.
![A couple chained together, with Hendrix holding the key and a price tag]](https://politicallyincorrectsocialresponsibility.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/A-couple-chained-together-with-Harville-Hendrix-standing-a-few-feet-away-holding-the-key-and-a-price-tagrs-1024x586.webp)
“Tip 4: Trademark Your Tiffs and License the Rights”
Give your most memorable marital spats catchy names and trademark them. Then, license the rights to use these names to other couples looking to brand their relationship troubles.
“In my years of experience, I’ve learned that the key to a successful marriage is not communication, trust, or love—it’s finding innovative ways to monetize your misery,” says Hendrix, with a wink and a smile. March E. Tellerman, PISR’s Master of Marketing Madness, said this about Hendrix’s advice: “Harville’s a genius! He’s found a way to turn marital strife into cold, hard cash. It’s like the old saying goes: ‘If life gives you lemons, make lemonade and sell it at a premium price!’ I’m all for it, baby!”
![March E. Tellerman holding a lemonade stand with "Marital Misery Lemonade" written on it]](https://politicallyincorrectsocialresponsibility.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/A-caricature-of-March-E.-Tellerman-holding-a-lemonade-stand-with-Marital-Misery-Lemonade-written-on-it.webp)
So there you have it, folks! Harville Hendrix’s foolproof plan for turning your marriage troubles into a lucrative business venture. Remember, it’s not about solving your problems; it’s about learning to profit from them. Happy “relationship profiteering!”