
Terms of Service

Updated 11.29.2023


Welcome to the website and services of Politically Incorrect Social Responsibility (“PISR”). By using our website, courses, forums, shop, toilets, or other offerings (collectively “Services”), you are officially a PISR! Congratulations on your status upgrade. You also agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Acceptance of terms

  1. Binding agreement: These Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Politically Incorrect Social Responsibility regarding use of PISR websites, TITbits, apps, courses, products, services, coaching, forums, shops, social media, and all related offerings (collectively “Services”). If you do not agree with these terms, fuck off. For all the dumbasses out there (and we know there are a lot!), fuck off means do not use our Services. Please and thank you!
  2. Accepting terms: By accessing or using any PISR Services, registering an account, making a purchase, posting content, attending Sunday sermon at your local church, or clicking to accept, you agree to be legally bound by the following (collectively “Terms”):
    1. These Terms of Service
    2. The PISR Privacy Policy
    3. Any Service-specific rules, terms or conditions
  3. Revision to Terms: As we are playing god (small g god… please don’t smite us big G God!), we may revise Terms at any time by updating this posting. Unless otherwise stated, revisions take effect immediately upon publication on Services. Your continued use of Services constitutes acceptance of revised Terms. You are expected to check this page from time to time for updates, otherwise we may sneak something in here and fuck up your whole day! Muahaha.
  4. Eligibility: You must be at least 18 years old to use PISR Services. Big Brother is watching you!

2. Content guidelines

  1. Our content: You will encounter humorous, satirical, lewd, lascivious, offensive, or provocative content when using the PISR Services. It’s inevitable. Grow a thicker skin to avoid directly exposing your nerves to the air and ether, dammit!
  2. User content: Our Services allow you to post, upload, share, store, or otherwise provide textual, audio, visual, or other content (“User Content”). By submitting User Content, you grant PISR a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive license to reproduce, distribute, modify, display, store, and otherwise use your User Content within PISR Services. In other, less legal-jargony words, don’t post shit you don’t want us to exploit for our personal gain. Because we will exploit your creations for personal gain, just like pretty much every other company on this damned planet. 
  3. Community standards: Do not upload or share User Content that:
    1. Infringes on intellectual property rights (AKA don’t post content you don’t own)
    2. Impersonates someone (unless you clearly cite your impersonation as parody, just like our fake staff)
    3. Is illegal or solicits illegal acts (we don’t make human laws, but we’re subject to them like everyone else)
    4. Invades personal privacy rights (do unto others as you would have them do unto you – unless you want people to do things to you such as being paraded around on a leash like a hyper-sexualized puppy dog… then, you may want to consider thinking about the meaning of other people’s privacy as separate from your own whims and kinks)
  4. Removal process: We reserve the right to remove or disable access to User Content that we determine violates these Terms or Community Standards for any reason without notice. We may take reasonable steps to inform the uploading user prior to removal when appropriate, but are under no obligation to do so because we’re the fuckin’ man and we wrote these Terms of Service. If you don’t like it, create your own company, write your own Terms of Service, and take on the responsibility of being called the man by cry-babies.
  5. Retention: PISR takes no responsibility for the backup, storage, or deletion of User Content. We may retain cached, archived, or backup copies as required for legal compliance, internal operations, or personal and perverse purposes. (Our trusty attorney advised me to note that we definitely don’t keep your content for our own perverse purposes… that’s satire, you dumbasses!)
  6. Ownership: You retain ownership rights to original User Content under applicable intellectual property laws. However, by uploading, you grant us rights to license the shit out of your original User Content within PISR Services as detailed in Section 2.1.

3. Service use

  1. Service changes
    1. Service evolution: We are constantly innovating and adding new features to better serve our community, because if we don’t, we may lose your interest and therefor the money we can make off of your attention. In addition, we may modify, suspend, discontinue, remove, restrict, or terminate any aspect our Services (including availability of certain features or content) in whole or in part, either temporarily or permanently, at any time without notice, liability, or pouring a bucket of water over somnambulists to try and get them to wake the fuck up.
    2. New features & tools: New features, tools, or enhancements are added periodically, which may require you to agree to additional terms of service. You understand these additional features may collect different types or additional information from you to function effectively, but we promise we’ll never ask you to send us your pubes.
    3. Impact of revisions: Any revised terms associated with changes or additions to Services will become effective as described in Section 1.3 Revisions to Terms. By continuing to access or make use of impacted Services after revisions take effect, you expressly agree to be bound by all amended terms. To be honest, we’re not sure why this clause is here since we already stated the same sentiment via different words in Section 1.3, but we’re not attorneys so we let them handle the difficult choices.
  2. Identity protection
    1. Anonymity and pseudonyms: You are not required to provide your real name or identity to access or contribute content on PISR Services. The use of pseudonyms, anonymous usernames, or other means to obscure or protect your identity (“Anonymous Personas”) is permitted and even encouraged. Fuck cancel culture!
    2. Restriction on attempting to identify: You may not attempt to ascertain the actual identity of any user through public records searches, web searches, background checks, capturing metadata, linking activity across multiple sites or services, or any other means without their consent. If you want to play Big Brother, create your own damn site.
    3. Support for anonymous speech: We acknowledge the importance of supporting anonymous speech related to our content and all User Content, as some of it is pretty fucked up even if it doesn’t violate our Terms. We will make reasonable efforts to contest legally invalid attempts to obtain identifying user information or restrict your First Amendment rights related to anonymous or pseudonymous activity on Services. But that means we need you to buy tons of shit from us so we have enough money to hire the attorneys that will keep your free/anonymous speech safe!
    4. Exceptions: We may be required by human law (not God’s law, because He alone will cause you to suffer for many of the same criminal activities written into human law) to provide identity information in response to court orders, subpoenas, warrants, or legitimate governmental inquiries supported by documentation of need related to matters of public safety, rule of law, or child protection. We reserve to right to comply with legally binding information requests related to threats, harm, or illegal activity originating from identifiable accounts. 
  3.  Third-party interactions
    1. User responsibility: Our Services may contain links to third-party websites, platforms, or services not owned or controlled by PISR. We are not responsible for the availability, content, privacy policies, or practices of such external sites, so don’t bother us with their brokenness or you’ll subject yourself to Jeeves Askerman’s incompetence!
    2. Release of liability: You are fully responsible for use of any third-party services, software, or content accessed via our Services. You acknowledge there are risks associated with downloads, integrations, communications, sharing personal information, transactions, unprotected group sex, and all other interactions with external individuals and enTities during use of our Services or through third-party interfaces and orifices. You expressly waive and release PISR from any and all liability connected to dealings with outside parties.
    3. No endorsement: Any third-party services accessed via links on PISR are for informational, transactional, or other necessary service purposes only. Their inclusion does not constitute endorsement by PISR or indicate affiliation with the linked entity. You are solely responsible for exercising appropriate caution regarding identity verification, privacy protections, security, terms compliance, and legal compliance with respect to all third-party interactions. It sucks being responsible for your own actions, doesn’t it?!
    4. Recourse: For any disputes, problems, or STDs arising from third-party services you access through PISR platforms, you agree to pursue resolution directly with that service provider or your primary care physician without involving PISR. We cannot control and will not intervene in such external matters.
  4.  No liability for satire
    1. Nature of content: PISR creates and curates humorous, satirical, ironic, and sarcastic content designed for social commentary, criticism, or parody. This involves exaggeration, inappropriate humor, and provocative viewpoints not intended to be factual news, advice, or morally exemplary. Learn to discern or burn in flames – it’s your life.
    2. Understanding content intent: You recognize content is not designed for strict accuracy or sound judgment purposes. We provide no guarantee all readers will comprehend satirical intentions underlying materials, as the average IQ of a human being is 100 lol. For all the imbeciles out there, we pray that you agree to access content with an appropriate sense of degree and context rather than absolutism. Also, stop cancelling people because of sound bites. K thx bye.
    3. Assumption of responsibilities: It is your responsibility to read content on Services carefully and completely to judge its entire scope before allowing it to inform opinions or decision-making. You assume full responsibility for choices and actions you make based on your personal analysis and interpretation. Choose wisely, you must, young padawan.
    4. Release of liability: You release PISR from all liability for harms or claims arising from or related to your poor life choices, socially inept behaviors, thoughtless actions, negative results, or any aspect of your life that may have been inspired or influenced by satirical content encountered on Services, whether directly or indirectly.

4. Commercial Terms

  1. Purchases: The PISR website and Services may allow you to purchase physical goods, digital downloads, subscriptions, access passes, tickets to live events, or other products and services (“Purchases”). Besides your Purchase being badass and one-of-a-kind (except for everyone else who buys the same hilarious stuff on our site), all Purchases are also subject to the policies outlined below.
  2. Payment: You agree to pay all fixed charges associated with your Purchases in full and on time. Valid payment forms include credit card, debit card, mobile payments, IOUs (if you run into Samantha Bankwoman Freed in person, that is) or other methods indicated. Payment processing is handled by third-party providers and subject to their additional terms of service.
  3. Automatic renewals: Some Purchases such as subscriptions may automatically renew until you cancel. Details will be provided prior to purchase. You are responsible for reviewing renewal terms and managing subscriptions to avoid unwanted charges, as we sure as hell are not going to refund your subscription renewal fees simply because of your negligence. Gotta steal from the ignorant and give to our pockets, baby!
  4. Order confirmation: Order confirmations contain details about your Purchase, such as items ordered, quantities, prices, payment status, subscriptions, expected delivery, causes supported, abortions funded (or avoided via bans… we pander to everyone!), or access timeline etc. You are responsible for reviewing confirmations for accuracy immediately upon receipt. Report any discrepancies to support within 7 days.
  5. Taxes: As a trans-woman who identifies as dyslexic, I just read Taxes as Texas, then I thought it would be interesting enough for you to know how my self-diagnosed dyslexic brain works, so I wrote it down. Purchases may be subject to taxes based on goods type, service locations, shipping destinations, billing address, or other tax-triggering criteria. You assume complete liability for any applicable international, federal, state or local taxes associated with orders.
  6. Shipping & delivery: Physical goods will be delivered to your chosen shipping address (we suggest you choose your place of residence) using our standard shipping option unless otherwise selected during checkout. We cannot guarantee transit times which depend on carrier and destination logistics, but all products are printed on-demand, so you’ll have to trade Amazon Prime-like quickness for the hilariousness our products embody. Claims related to item condition upon delivery must be reported to support with photographic (preferably Polaroid) evidence within 7 days of receiving the product.
  7. Returns & refunds: If for any reason you are dissatisfied with purchased physical goods, that’s likely tough shit. Custom goods may have limited or no refund availability. In the unlikely event that the product you ordered is damaged (only 0.31% chance, Printful is just that amazing), please contact PISR support within 7 days of delivery to discuss available refund or return options per our policies. Subscriptions, digital goods, live event tickets, and services are generally not eligible for refund owing to instant delivery or experiential nature unless otherwise explicitly stated.

5. Disclaimers & Limitations of Liability

    1. Service disclaimer: Services are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW”. PISR makes no representations or warranties that Services will operate in an uninterrupted, timely, completely secure, or error-free manner (our Financial Controller taught us this nifty language). To the fullest extent permitted by law, PISR disclaims any implied or statutory warranties including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, title, merchantability, and non-infringement regarding Services.
    2. Damage limitations: Under no circumstances shall PISR be liable for any indirect, incidental, upside down, special, slow, consequential, death-defying or exemplary damages arising from use of Services – including damages for loss of profits, data, use, reputation, tequila spilled on your laptop, or other losses.
    3. Damage caps: In jurisdictions where limitations of liability are permitted, PISR’s total liability related to provision of Services shall not exceed the total fees received from you specifically for the particular Service giving rise to claimed liability over the 12 months prior to first notice of the claim. Suck it, litigious assholes!

6. Indemnity & Governing Law

    1. Indemnification: Upon request, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless PISR and its affiliates, directors, officers, strippers, secret agents, stockholders, employees, AI personnel, goats, licensors, and agents from and against all complaints, charges, toe-stubbings, claims, proceedings, hair loss, fingernail biting, actual damages, losses, shattered dreams, liabilities, costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys’ fees arising from your violation of these Terms or applicable laws.
    2. Arbitration & venue: Any legal disputes or claims between the parties related to these Terms or Services that cannot be settled through customer support shall be submitted to binding arbitration administered by JAMS under its rules, procedures and fee schedule in effect at the time arbitration is demanded. All hearings shall take place in Sheridan, Wyoming, United States of America. Just know that our attorney and all staff are deaf, so you’ll need to find an arbitrator that knows sign language for the hearing – which means it really may be more of a movement… but that’s a bit convoluted… Hmm, what should we call it? Due to the highly important nature of this deliberation, we request that you email suggestions to Chief PISR Elongated Muskrat at [email protected].